Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (2024)

5 days ago



>its only more recently that ubisoft has been focusing on simultaneous releases and uplay sh*t.
Even so the controls aren't meant to be done with MKB and PC still gets weird exclusive glitches like audio sounding like two people with tin cans and string talking to each other on Valhalla (Which took like two years to get patched) or Origins and its water that lets you see a seam through it (Which still isn't fixed on PC).

Odyssey is one of the worst AC games and only works if you're not only not viewing it as an AC game. Even then you have to ignore major things like the story being pretty bad, the MC being contradictory during the entire story even if you are trying to stay consistent, having some of the worst characters in the series with little to no development that are only beaten out by Valhalla's awful characters, and it locking you out of major parts of your kit unless you are running a glass cannon 100% crit build. If you aren't running a 100% crit build then either Assassin or Hunter are completely unusable as playstyles.

>only works if you're not only not viewing it as an AC game
Well in defence of odyssey I was not seeing it as a usual ass creed game. Similar to black flag, sh*t ass creed game but damn good pirate game. thing is the whole assassins sh*t (now) lore wise didnt start until the events of origins, so it makes sense for the bronze age greek story to have nothing to do with the assassins, but obviously it had the whole ancient civilisation stuff instead.
Same goes with the non use of hidden blades.

>I assume this game will be more of the same.
Shadows is supposed to be like Valhalla based on leaks just with more focus on stealth, so it should have the same sort of skill tree and equip system it had. I imagine it'll play like Valhalla merged with Mirage since Mirage is way more stealth focused and discourages melee combat due to the instant attacks, parry focus, and takes significantly more hits to kill anything.
Jade is the one that's going to be far more like Odyssey from what we've seen without learning from its flaws. There's already like half a dozen material types if I remember right for the new crafting system and the enemies we saw in the beta were still damage sponges despite the guy being set up for success in his equipment. It does seem like they're making stealth more viable in it though.

>Shadows is supposed to be like Valhalla based on leaks
I hope so because valhallah honesty has one of the best loot systems I have ever seen in a game like this, open world, go anywhere.
my main issue with odyssey was the entire bullsh*t nothing burger loot cycle drops with incremental stat increases all through the game. I also fully 100% the map in that game, did every ? PoI, in all the DLCs too
Valhallah, well it had static loot (like elden ring) but all the other random loot you find was upgrade materials, and you can downgrade your gear too which meant you can go get the sh*t you want and upgrade it then no longer need to loot, or if you want to switch just downgrade the old set and upgrade the new.
I am an autismo and have 100% everything in valhalla (main game) as well and would do the same in next ass creed games, but its nice to know that shadows would have that loot system, not sh*t like origins and odyssey had.

Though I still have both valhalla paid DLCs to do, still lot of teh free DLC and also the ragnarok DLC to buy and do before I even attempt to go to the next ass creed, mirage...then do that before I think about playing shadows.
Fricking valhalla I was like 200+ hours deep and still have sh*t loads more to do.
Thing is I played it straight after odyssey too B2B as I really wanted to play it because my home city is in the game...relegated to a sh*tty little few mud hits when IRL city has roman buildings standing to this day!

  • 5 days ago



    Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (1)

    >Fricking valhalla I was like 200+ hours deep and still have sh*t loads more to do.
    100% run with every single item obtained, Ravensthorpe fully upgraded, all the post-patch added content completed and obtained, and all DLC completed took me picture related.
    Mirage 100% isn't that long, I'm only like 18 hours into it and I nearly have 100% in every location barring the internal part of the Round City. I haven't even really progressed in the main story yet, I just reached Baghdad.

    I played it on PS4 which is the PS5 version too and had the audio I mentioned, but it might not be the same issue you are describing.

    I think it's a different issue because the issue PC specifically had was everyone at all times sounded tinny. It wasn't just during-Covid stuff, it was even stuff from the start.

    • 5 days ago



      Valhalla is much more tedious than Odyssey. You can 100% Odyssey in about 150-200 hours, maybe 250 if you never fast travel.
      Valhalla though makes you wade through dogsh*t fricking minigames to unlock content and poorly telegraphed side-quests that you have to consult a guide just to find the trigger to, on top of having half as many fast travel points and ten times as many loading screens. It took me nearly 300 hours to finish Valhalla and I never even bothered with the Kassandra or Ragnarok DLC, only the Ireland and Frankish ones.

      • 5 days ago


        I am doing a 100% of the series, and I dread Valhalla the most. I might even skip it, because all I hear is that it's ungodly long.

      • 5 days ago


        It is. It's the most bloated and longest one in the series.
        Base game is about 100-150 hours with none of the added content. This includes all the cairns, rock formations, assassinations, equips, abilities, boat parts, fishing, original Ravensthorpe upgrades, and the fantasy locations each of which are like 8-16 hours each.
        Wrath of the Druids is about 20-30 hours since you can get all the store buffs as you play other content provided you return every once in a while.
        Siege of Paris is like 30-40 hours and most of that is due to the absurd amount of grinding for the store.
        River Raids are 60+ hours easily since you can only take 600 I think it was out of the map each time (and that's only after you've upgraded your ship capacity which itself takes several hours), each run takes about an hour and a half even if you're beelining to the loot and know that your viking party members are 100% pointless so you solo it all, the entire shop requires tens of thousands to buy out and then the two buildings in Ravensthorpe (The recruitment one and the loadout one) take tens of thousands to upgrade as well.
        Dawn of Ragnarok is about 40 hoursish and boring. You'll also lower your difficulty for the arena because it's just not possible on higher difficulties.
        Mastery Challenges are about 6-15 hours, it depends how lucky you are on some of the setups, how well you can improvise, and if the NPCs don't just fall off the map.
        Tombs of the Fallen
        The Forgotten Saga takes forever. I think it took me like 30 hours just to get all the achievements and various loadouts but maxing them out would have been another 30+ hours because each run is like two to four hours and that's only like two level ups out of five on each loadout. It's the only thing I didn't truly complete so if you want to consider me a fraud so be it.
        Tombs of the Fallen is like 5-10 hours, it's not super long and the tombs themselves are pretty good.
        The Crossover Event is maybe 6 hours? It's not super long.

      • 5 days ago


        Why even 100% a game if it's such torture? Just critical path it.

      • 5 days ago


        You underestimate the power of autism.
        Those anons are probably like me too, kind of enjoy 100%ing open world games and ass creed is a guilty pleasure.
        For me its the only ubisoft games I play and even know the story is dogsh*t now I still enjoy the whole conspiracy theory and historical fiction madness.

      • 5 days ago


        >kind of enjoy 100%ing open world games
        why though? is it the fact that your game says 100% or do you genuinely enjoy the journey? because it's painful to 100% most games because of the usual bloat

        This franchise is insanely hard carried by the settings. I don't think anyone even gives a sh*t about the gameplay or the story.

        I do care about the story but alternative history was the selling point for me. it had such a huge potential but it's been a while since ubi utilized it properly.

      • 5 days ago


        100%ing only really got bad with Odyssey and Valhalla and Mirage is back to the usual fun 100%. Unity was kind of annoying due to all the chests and the Dead Kings co-op items. The games aren't that annoying to 100%, the bloat is only really in some specific collectibles in each game (Flags in 1, Ptolemy Statues in Origins, Alligator Eggs in Liberation, and chests in Unity) otherwise most of the content is pretty good. There's also the fact that by running around collecting stuff you see way more of the world and get to appreciate the art direction and effort they put into fleshing it out because it's astounding just how much work they put into the worlds even if it typically comes off as copy-pasted or samey when running around not paying too much attention.

        Mirage for example has been an awesome 100% just because the world design feels a lot like Origins mixed with an older AC game so simply wandering around the Round City or the smaller villages is really cool because they connect so well, have so many ways to parkour and escape or move around the map, have tons of openings, etc.

      • 5 days ago


        >the bloat is only really in some specific collectibles in each game
        that might be true to older games but what about Origins? the mmo loot, forced leveling, restricted one-shot opportunities made me want to tear my hair out after a while. don't you consider these bloat too?

        >Mirage for example has been an awesome 100%
        is Mirage really that good? always though the return to roots and whatnot was just a marketing gimmick.

      • 5 days ago


        >the mmo loot
        Is pointless. Just equip the next strongest weapon you find. There is never a reason to care about it. Once you hit 55 then you'll just get every legendary to 55 from drops except Helix Store items and the very few unique ones like the FFXV crossover stuff you can just level scale.
        >forced leveling
        All it does is gate you out of certain areas and you level up quite quickly so it's not a big deal. It's restrictive, sure, but it quickly starts to go to the background until it stops mattering altogether. This is mainly only an issue for the first 10ish levels. Unless you want to fight the elephants it's not a big deal really.
        >restricted one-shot opportunities
        See the previous point. Yes, it gates you out of certain areas but it's not too big a deal, and there comes a point where even low level Hidden Blade levels let you kill stuff 1-2 levels higher than you. At endgame you can even one-shot level 58 ghosts summoned by one of the gods via assassination with just a level 12 HB and it can go up to 14 if I remember right. Just go into Senu when you go to Alexandria or something every few guys, kill a few guys transporting goods, and your melee gloves, ranged gloves, and HB will be in parity or even better a majority of the time. That's assuming you don't have enough from exploring to begin with.

        Running out of room.

      • 5 days ago


        interesting perspective but I'll keep it in mind. my main issue was the game not respecting my time and not getting rewarded for going through the extra padding. hopefully if I ever give Origins another shot it will be more tolerable with your tips.

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (3)

        >is Mirage really that good?
        I can't speak for the main story yet, like I said, I'm still within the second hour of the story pretty much but exploration has been a lot of fun and simply running around is nice. The world feels fleshed out enough, the map is a bit bigger than any of the various Valhalla DLC maps but the actual city portion of Baghdad is quite large, and the wilderness that is there isn't too expansive or pointless as it has points of interest scattered about. Picture related is how far into the game I am after 19 hours.
        >always though the return to roots and whatnot was just a marketing gimmick.
        Unlike Valhalla social stealth is in again, the areas you can blend into like benches and stuff actually work and make sense, pickpocketing is a core mechanic to hire groups or remove notoriety, notoriety is back, etc.
        Parkour is like a mix of the new AC and old AC. You can still kinda grab onto anything but on stuff like mountains or buildings you do need things for your hand to grab onto instead of going BotW like the last three have been. You still can't back eject or jump.

        Combat is more like Unity where a lot of enemies are a threat except in this case you can't really overlevel them with equips. You have upgrades like in Valhalla but they only go three tiers, and most of the combat so far has been parry baiting since breaking posture is an instant kill whereas normal attacking gets you parried or takes like 10 hits to kill a single enemy. I know it gets stupider when you get your Animus instant kill Arkham Knight Fear Takedown skill but I don't have that yet.
        I only have throwing knives right now but they've got downsides and benefits, and you have to charge them to get full distance so they're not broken at all and come in limited quantities. They also only get resupplied from stores or random chests so you can't spam them since guards don't carry them like old games. I know you get traps and a blowdart later on but that's all I know.

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (4)

        Mirage's story is basically retelling the same sh*t from Valhalla and doesn't do Basim any justice or deepen his characterization. The setting is the king of the game no question. It's their best looking game in the modern engine, in terms of art direction and environmental art and map design. You can climb on a rooftop and always see the dome of the palace and orient yourself by looking at the weather wane and always be able to navigate the map with no HUD which is how I played thorugh the game. The missions are very scripted and even though they took impression from hitman it's not really apparent because the targets don't become killable until you set up the correct flags that activate them, the difficulty is an improvement over Valhalla where you could just cheese the game with arrows or OP abilities, if you don't respect the game's version of the max level mercenaries it sends after you you're gonna have a bad time and reload a lot, which I had to do and it was refreshing.

        what the heck? this sounds great! since I have tiny hope for Shadows and even if it turns out fantastic I surely won't pay a dime for it Mirage might be the second modern AC I'm about to play. great settings aside the extra bloat scared me from Odyssey and Valhalla too.

      • 5 days ago


        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (5)

        >is Mirage really that good?
        I can't speak for the main story yet, like I said, I'm still within the second hour of the story pretty much but exploration has been a lot of fun and simply running around is nice. The world feels fleshed out enough, the map is a bit bigger than any of the various Valhalla DLC maps but the actual city portion of Baghdad is quite large, and the wilderness that is there isn't too expansive or pointless as it has points of interest scattered about. Picture related is how far into the game I am after 19 hours.
        >always though the return to roots and whatnot was just a marketing gimmick.
        Unlike Valhalla social stealth is in again, the areas you can blend into like benches and stuff actually work and make sense, pickpocketing is a core mechanic to hire groups or remove notoriety, notoriety is back, etc.
        Parkour is like a mix of the new AC and old AC. You can still kinda grab onto anything but on stuff like mountains or buildings you do need things for your hand to grab onto instead of going BotW like the last three have been. You still can't back eject or jump.

        Combat is more like Unity where a lot of enemies are a threat except in this case you can't really overlevel them with equips. You have upgrades like in Valhalla but they only go three tiers, and most of the combat so far has been parry baiting since breaking posture is an instant kill whereas normal attacking gets you parried or takes like 10 hits to kill a single enemy. I know it gets stupider when you get your Animus instant kill Arkham Knight Fear Takedown skill but I don't have that yet.
        I only have throwing knives right now but they've got downsides and benefits, and you have to charge them to get full distance so they're not broken at all and come in limited quantities. They also only get resupplied from stores or random chests so you can't spam them since guards don't carry them like old games. I know you get traps and a blowdart later on but that's all I know.

      • 5 days ago


        Oh, and both dodging and stamina are rebalanced compared to Valhalla.
        Dodging has way more iframes to the point it's laughable and the stuff you have in Valhalla is like half of what MIrage has it feels.
        Stamina can't be gained from light attacks anymore so you can't just mash on an enemy or dodge around them mashing anymore, you actually have to block and dodge properly.

      • 5 days ago


        Any opinion on Witcher 3 and it's expansions, Moose? Trying to decide

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (6)

        >can't decide if I should play Witcher 3 CE or the ACs that I missed
        >look up HLTB to get an estimation of the time investment

        >W3 GOTY (Completionist)- 189 Hours
        >AC3 - 55½ Hours
        >Black Flag - 61 Hours
        >Rogue - 39 Hours
        >Unity - 79 Hours
        >Syndicate - 55 Hours

        Do these numbers sound accurate for you? Unity's length really surprised me and I expected BF in the mid-40s. I played AC3 on release but stopped halfway due to the messy optimization (and despite of it's flaws, I enjoyed it) so that's not completely new.
        I'm not interested in pointless collectathons but otherwise I tend to do everything, hence the completionist numbers. Going by these I'm still looking at an extra 100 hours investment compared to a W3 Complete run, which sounds a little off to be honest.

        and your input would be valuable. Thanks in advance if you take your time to reply!

        I also do story and side without rushing, and those games were far shorter than that. Except maybe Black Flag, but I spent a lot of time just sailing the seas.

        Appreciate it, maybe I recalculate the whole thing with Main + Extra too. I like to indulge in fun time-wasters, that's why BF's 61 hours made me worry to begin with. I loved managing the Assassin Order in Brotherhood too!

        Well I had no issues with 3 at all so yeah going from those comments its a more hardware variable situation, which is often inherent with PC gaming anyway. Troubleshooting for each different hardware config.
        Another thing though I am and was not a FPS or mega visuals PC gay, I was just happy to build a new PC after being on a sh*tty laptop for nearly 5 years (doing my studies) so while I say I had no issues I might have been just getting 30FPS, cannot remember.
        I always turn vsync on for no screen tear so limits my FPS.
        Then yeah as you are saying, its a console port. At the time I was playing the ass creed games on console in order and 3 was the new game releasing, hence why it come with my GPU, only reason I played it on PC.
        You are mentioning about the stuttering and the engine being fricked, well I pirated black flag after 3 (irony I know) and I remember in the cities the FPS was a slideshow.
        Pretty sure my hardware out performed recommended specs too.

        Still they are console games, its only more recently that ubisoft has been focusing on simultaneous releases and uplay sh*t.

        Besides, you had a 660 and AC3 was Nvidia-friendly IIRC. The original sin, however, was the lack of multi-core optimization. That was behind the FPS drops and stuttering in Boston and I bet in Black Flag cities too. The next couple of AC games also suffered from heavy performance issues.

      • 5 days ago


        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (7)

        I've only played some of Witcher 1 years ago when my PC couldn't run it well so I can't comment.

      • 5 days ago

        ac red gay nigg*s from outer space

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (8)

        >can't decide if I should play Witcher 3 CE or the ACs that I missed
        >look up HLTB to get an estimation of the time investment

        >W3 GOTY (Completionist)- 189 Hours
        >AC3 - 55½ Hours
        >Black Flag - 61 Hours
        >Rogue - 39 Hours
        >Unity - 79 Hours
        >Syndicate - 55 Hours

        Do these numbers sound accurate for you? Unity's length really surprised me and I expected BF in the mid-40s. I played AC3 on release but stopped halfway due to the messy optimization (and despite of it's flaws, I enjoyed it) so that's not completely new.
        I'm not interested in pointless collectathons but otherwise I tend to do everything, hence the completionist numbers. Going by these I'm still looking at an extra 100 hours investment compared to a W3 Complete run, which sounds a little off to be honest.

        TW3 if you can get into it is really solid. The main story is serviceable but the side content is at times better than the main narrative content, the only problem is that it basically demands at least a 100hrs to get through and it's not really something you play while playing other games, it's also obviously very much a narrative game. You CAN collect all the gear sets that buff your various skill trees but you can also just ignore them, the game asks very little of you, it's like Valhalla was at launch and Ubi very clearly modeled the nu-creeds on Witcher 3, and they tried to copy their style of side quests but none of them come even close to how they're implemented in TW3.

      • 5 days ago


        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (9)

        >mfw most people probably missed the best track in AC:B because of glitchy notoriety in the final mission

      • 5 days ago


        >finally, disk 2

      • 5 days ago

        ac red gay nigg*s from outer space

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (10)

        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (11)

        >is Mirage really that good?
        I can't speak for the main story yet, like I said, I'm still within the second hour of the story pretty much but exploration has been a lot of fun and simply running around is nice. The world feels fleshed out enough, the map is a bit bigger than any of the various Valhalla DLC maps but the actual city portion of Baghdad is quite large, and the wilderness that is there isn't too expansive or pointless as it has points of interest scattered about. Picture related is how far into the game I am after 19 hours.
        >always though the return to roots and whatnot was just a marketing gimmick.
        Unlike Valhalla social stealth is in again, the areas you can blend into like benches and stuff actually work and make sense, pickpocketing is a core mechanic to hire groups or remove notoriety, notoriety is back, etc.
        Parkour is like a mix of the new AC and old AC. You can still kinda grab onto anything but on stuff like mountains or buildings you do need things for your hand to grab onto instead of going BotW like the last three have been. You still can't back eject or jump.

        Combat is more like Unity where a lot of enemies are a threat except in this case you can't really overlevel them with equips. You have upgrades like in Valhalla but they only go three tiers, and most of the combat so far has been parry baiting since breaking posture is an instant kill whereas normal attacking gets you parried or takes like 10 hits to kill a single enemy. I know it gets stupider when you get your Animus instant kill Arkham Knight Fear Takedown skill but I don't have that yet.
        I only have throwing knives right now but they've got downsides and benefits, and you have to charge them to get full distance so they're not broken at all and come in limited quantities. They also only get resupplied from stores or random chests so you can't spam them since guards don't carry them like old games. I know you get traps and a blowdart later on but that's all I know.

        Mirage's story is basically retelling the same sh*t from Valhalla and doesn't do Basim any justice or deepen his characterization. The setting is the king of the game no question. It's their best looking game in the modern engine, in terms of art direction and environmental art and map design. You can climb on a rooftop and always see the dome of the palace and orient yourself by looking at the weather wane and always be able to navigate the map with no HUD which is how I played thorugh the game. The missions are very scripted and even though they took impression from hitman it's not really apparent because the targets don't become killable until you set up the correct flags that activate them, the difficulty is an improvement over Valhalla where you could just cheese the game with arrows or OP abilities, if you don't respect the game's version of the max level mercenaries it sends after you you're gonna have a bad time and reload a lot, which I had to do and it was refreshing.

      • 5 days ago


        >if you don't respect the game's version of the max level mercenaries it sends after you you're gonna have a bad time and reload a lot, which I had to do and it was refreshing.
        Want to know a secret? If you just walk or run away from them and then dodge when they get near you you can never get hit by them. This makes it so you can just walk up to one of the lifts from AC2 that drops bricks on them and it instantly kills the guy which also removes all your notoriety. Once I figured that out (I was just testing to see if it would do more damage than trying a stealth attack) it made them a joke.
        They would be fine as a fight if they didn't instantly with no telegraph throw out an attack. You can kind of understand how they work since they will never do two parryable attacks in a row unless you got hit by one previously, and if you are too far away they will always Naruto run at you into a parryable slash which you can exploit.

      • 5 days ago

        ac red gay nigg*s from outer space

        You also trivialize them with smoke bombs iirc, but I spent most of my playthru just exploring the map, you unlock smoke bombs either from a story mission or from one of the random bureau vendors I can't remember, but I basically had no access to them for most of the game due to the way I played which made dealing with them cancer since they will just block your hidden blade if I recall.
        >They would be fine as a fight if they didn't instantly with no telegraph throw out an attack
        they have the same exact combat routine as that dual wield guy from Odyssey (? unless it was Origins), I played that game as well by just going where I want, and usually it meant having to fight those enemies that were way above your level meaning you'd get oneshot by the 1 frame windup sh*t, but at least in those games you could just cheese them with ranged.

      • 5 days ago


        I'm in the same boat as you so I only have throwing knives at hand but that's how I deal with them whenever I get a bit too lazy and let it hit tier 3. Just run them over to a lift, bait an attack, and go up the lift. Works every time.
        >they have the same exact combat routine as that dual wield guy from Odyssey (? unless it was Origins)
        I think dual wield was in Origins. I know the spear moveset is from Valhalla but I think the 1H sword users are from Origins.

      • 5 days ago

        ac red gay nigg*s from outer space

        Throwing knives are just as busted in this as in the previous games, with the added feature that you get to refund them by looting them back from the guys you kill which in and of itself isn't an issue except the stealth mechanics in creedgames aren't solid enough to prevent the player from just hiding in bushes yeeting knives into guard heads then going around refilling the knives and finding the next bush. Even in the modern Far Cry games and a lot of stealth games like sniper elite or sniper contracts the AI will just go fulls chizo mode if they find a body and if they see a single pixel of the player for 1 frame they will enter combat, in Mirage they still have an additional detection bar they have to fill to go into combat with the player even when they are already searching for the player, if I recall, so it's trivially easy to stay out of combat.

      • 5 days ago


        Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (12)

        Don't forget the ability to dissolve bodies with the throwing knife, so even if you dissolve someone literally looking at another person that other person will look at the dissolved body, investigate for like two seconds going "Who could have done this?", then stop investigating because there's no body and go back to their patrol. Charged throws also instant kill anyone without a helmet from bow distances.

        Stealth in general feels more busted here than in Valhalla or older games. I have no idea what they did but I'm pretty sure webm related wasn't possible in older games as the first person who saw you drag the body in immediately went crazy and it wouldn't let you pull in people investigating the area.

        at least origins and odyssey were fun to explore, and had characters that made sense

        >Characters who made sense.
        So did you like the part where Deimos refuses to go with you if you weren't telling them they were being used in literally every discussion and will completely do a 180 from "They were using me" to "I will kill you mother and relative" despite all game saying they hated the Cult just because you missed one time convincing them?
        What about The Eagle Bearer saying they don't believe in the Greek gods, but actually they do, but actually they don't, but actually they do, but actually they don't, but in reality they do even though they have 100% proof it's fake and they never existed?
        How about TEB going from "I hate Sparta" to literally living in the city even if all their family is dead and they have no reason to?
        How about Barnabas being treated like a man off his pills even though TEB knows everything he is saying is correct and can even prove it to back him up?
        How about bringing in all the people TEB met at the party in Athens they met once into a conspiracy to kill Kleon and overthrow the Athenian government?
        How about treating Herodotos as their best friend on the level of Barnabas even though he did literally nothing all game and had next to no lines once he joins the Adrestia?

    • 5 days ago



      >500+ hours
      Not gonna be playing ass creed for years.
      I played 1-3 all B2B so frick it when I finally get back on valhalla I will play all the DLCS, fully 100% it then do mirage and shadows B2B. By then mirage will be super cheap and I will wait for ass creole to be on sale anyway.
      I really hate the idea of playing a groid in japan.

      Valhalla is much more tedious than Odyssey. You can 100% Odyssey in about 150-200 hours, maybe 250 if you never fast travel.
      Valhalla though makes you wade through dogsh*t fricking minigames to unlock content and poorly telegraphed side-quests that you have to consult a guide just to find the trigger to, on top of having half as many fast travel points and ten times as many loading screens. It took me nearly 300 hours to finish Valhalla and I never even bothered with the Kassandra or Ragnarok DLC, only the Ireland and Frankish ones.

      >150-200 hours, maybe 250 if you never fast travel.
      I did it 100% sub 200, 170 iirc, all areas including DLC.
      Pretty sure that was my limit but cant 100% remember if I did or did not.
      I do remember when I got to the 180 mark in valhalla and had not even 100% the main game area or touched the DLC at all I knew it was a much more tedious game to fully autismo complete than odyssey, hence why I dropped it to play again another day.
      I have done the isle of skye free DLC though.

Why are the modern Assassin's Creed games so soulless compared to 1 and 2? (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.