Martin Harris (2024)

Martin Harris was the kind of teacher every student loved. He genuinely cares about his students, maybe even a little too much.


  • 1 Early History
  • 2 Biography
    • 2.1 1993
      • 2.1.1 Kate's Isolation and Captivity
    • 2.2 1994
    • 2.3 1995
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Physical Appearance
  • 5 Notes and Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 Appearances
  • 8 References

Early History[]

Martin was born to a complicated family where matters that concerned the family stayed within the family. He had a tumultuous relationship with his father, and they had a viscous argument when Martin was about fifteen. While he didn't think much of it at the time, his father later committed suicide. The last conversation Martin had with his father was the argument. He wasn't allowed to talk about the incident with anyone which caused him so trauma. In his adult years, Martin became an assistant vice principal at Widow Falls High School. He later moved to Skylin, Texas, where he purchased a home from Turner Realty Company and got a job as the Assistant Principal of the local high school, Skylin High.



He moved into his house a day early around June 21st 1993, where he startled a teenager, Jeanette Turner, who he claimed she was in the house looking for her fathers forgotten briefcase. She then offered to show him something her father might have missed in the walk-through of the house. She pointed out what she thought was a water stain in the basem*nt, but feigned disappointed to see it was just a shadow. He wasn't bothered by it as he planned to tear out the carpet. He learned she is a student at Skylin High, introducing himself as Martin Harris, the new vice principal. He hoped to see more of her, but she assured him he wouldn't as she doesn't get into trouble. After she left he retreated into the home.[2]

Around June 26th, Martin attended the Skylin Garden Club party where he watched the party-goers chat, which included Kate Wallis. He was then welcomed into the community at the annual Garden Club party, where Joy Wallis instructed her friends and family to shine a "welcoming light" on Martin. As he walked home he found Kate on a curb crying and asked if she was okay, to which she admitted she wasn't. He introduced himself to her as Martin and they shook hands.[3]

On July 4th, Martin attended the annual Skylin Firework Festival with the rest of the town. In the meantime, Jeanette Turner broke into his house and stole a high school yearbook from his previous job. She was surprised to learn that he was from Widow Falls High School. She brought the yearbook to her friend Mallory Higgins in an attempt to prove how serious she took their Summer list of activities. The theft of Martin's yearbook completed item number thirteen for Jeanette - steal something.[4]

On July 15th, Martin attended the Turner's annual hunting trip in the woods. He had been invited by Joy Wallis as a thank you for having escorted Kate home after the Garden Club Party incident. She asked him to keep that between them and he agreed. He was greeted by Kate with a smile. That afternoon, he watched the family and friends practice shooting launched targets into the air. Martin jumped with every shot of the rifle. Kate reassured him that he would get used to the startle of the shot after a while. When it was her turn, he complimented her amazing shooting skills. That evening, he sat outside on a lawn chair when Kate tried to sneak out of the cabin. He knew she was trying to sneak out but her secret was safe with him.

Martin Harris (1)

She ended up staying up with him in the lawn chair next to his. She pointed out the constellations to Martin who was impressed. She told him about the antipodes of the world and she wondered what Skylin’s antipodes sky looks like. He remarked that it would be different in South America which sounded like a dream to her. He gave her a blanket as she was cold and pointed out another constellation. He explained that the woman it was named after has a lot of family drama. She remarked that things aren’t great nowadays either. He asked if she wanted to talk so she opened up about there being a thing that was eating her up inside. He knew the feeling as something tragic happened to his family when he was her age. It was a big family secret that he never talked about. She asked what it was to which he admitted that his father committed suicide which is why he was jumpy around guns. She understood and he told her about the last fight they had which ended up being their last conversation. He told her to pick and choose her battles with her family. She remarked that she can finally fall asleep and returned the blanket. He told her to sleep tight and not let the bed bugs bite.[5]

On July 29th, Martin attended Skylin's annual carnival where he operated a gaming booth to raise money for Skylin High. He hung the stuffed animals on the prize rack. Jeanette and her friend Gideon approached, and she introduced Martin to Gideon. Gideon explained that he didn't go to Skylin High as he's just here visiting. Martin remarked that he's new to the town too. Jeanette remarked that Martin was from Widow Falls which surprised Martin and he asked how she knew that. She lied that her father must have told her. He offered to let them play the game which they were both eager to try. Martin gave commentary on the game. Renee and Tennille approached so Jeanette purposefully lost so Gideon won. The girls taunted her over dating a loser like Gideon. Jeanette lied that she lied didn't know him and left. Martin watched her walk away concerned.

After a while, Martin told Gideon that Jeanette wouldn't come back. Gideon was sure that Jeanette was a nice girl who probably just got sick. Martin offered to give Gideon a ride home, but he declined as he brought his bike. He left in a dejected manner. A few minutes later, Martin spotted Kate in the crowd and invited her to come play his booth. She happily joined him and set her scrunchie on the booth.

Kate played the game while Martin cheered her on with compliments and affirmations. When she won, he told her to pick her prize since it came with 50 tickets that she could trade for snacks. He brought her a large pink bunny from the booth along with the tickets. She hoped that she fixed her image since the first time they met, as it was an embarrassing incident. He assured her that wasn’t his first impression of her. She was curious about what it was so he revealed that he saw her at the Garden Club Party with some moms and he mistook her for an adult at first. Kate wondered why he didn’t say hi to which he claimed he didn’t know her then. She pointed out that he knew her now so he said hi. Kate smiled and told him that she’ll see him around. He spotted her scrunchie on the countertop and grabbed it. He calls out to her that he’s looking forward to seeing her again. As she walked away he hid the scrunchie in his hands.

Jeanette, Mallory, and Vince walked past Martin’s booth again and he called Jeanette over. He told her that she should think about Gideon since he probably felt rejected, humiliated, and alone. He wondered how Jeanette would feel in that situation. From several paces away, Vince notes that it was weird they were talking which Mallory agreed with. Jeanette tearfully apologized to Martin but he told her that he wasn't the person she needed to apologize to. She noticed the scrunchie in his hand and asked if it was his. He chuckled that it was Kate Wallis's and she left it at the booth, though he planned to return it at the start of the school year. She offered to take it as she'll probably see Kate before him. He shakily handed it over and she rejoined her friends.[1]

On August 15th, Martin went to the mall where he was fitted into a suit by Tanya Peterson. Jeanette Turner was in one of the changing rooms with Mallory Higgins, and spied on their conversation. Tana measured him and invited him out for dinner. He was reluctant since she was a parent to one of his students. He eventually gave in. After their date, they returned to his house for drinks. They sat on the couch and discussed their exes. Tanya moved closer to Martin and placed a hand on his leg and swooned over him. She admitted that her ex paid child support as her believed Tennille to be his biological daughter even though he wasn't. Martin didn't want to know something so personal about one of his students. She brushed her fingers through his hair and ignored his protests. The stereo in the closet began to play which startled them, and Tanya spilled her wine on her shirt. Martin approached the cabinet but Tanya quickly mentioned that she must have sat on the remote. She asked him to get her something to clean up her shirt, and he obliged. When he left the room, Tanya discovered Jeanette Turner in the closet. They made a deal not to tell each others secret and Jeanette ran out before Martin could find them.[6]

On August 29th, Kate and Jamie walked home from the mall with him heavily intoxicated. They stopped so Jamie could pee in the bushes. Kate urged Jamie to hurry up as Martin was coming. He exited his house quickly and asked if Jamie was okay. He stumbled and fell over, to which Martin worriedly asked Kate if Jamie was okay. He offered to let them come inside to call her parents but she refused as she was already late. He then offered to give her a ride.

As they drove, she thanked him but worried that her mom would be mad that she broke the rules. Joy had high expectations even though she broke them herself. They pulled up to the house and Kate asked if he remembered her telling him about the family secret. He asked if it’s gotten any better, but it hasn't. She felt like she would explode if she didn't say something. He told her to shine some light on it. She touched his hand as that was exactly what she needed to hear. She gathered her things, left the car, and waved goodbye to Martin as he drove off.

He went home and sat on the couch where he flipped through the TV channels but thought only of Kate and the moments they spent together. He drank a glass of liquor. He answered his door late that night to find Kate with a suitcase in hand. She expressed that she wasn't okay as she revealed the secret but things got worse. Her mom hit her and now she's scared, but doesn't want to go to a friends house as her mom would find her and drag her back. Martin opened the door and let her inside. He looked around to ensure no one saw her come in, then closed the door behind her and locked it.[7]

Martin went to school the next day and greeted Mallory Higgins, Jeanette Turner, and Vince Fuller outside. That afternoon, Joy Wallis visited his office to ask if he knew where Kate was. He guessed that Kate was at lunch but asked if everything was okay. Joy wasn't sure if Kate showed up for school today and asked if Martin saw her yet. He hadn't and recommended checking in with the front desk, but she preferred to have things dealt with privately and quietly. With Martin inside the fold, she thought he might be able to help. He made a call to Kelly Sue and learned that only two people were absent - Evan Lewis and Kate Wallis. He flashed back to Kate at his front door, while Joy admits that she and Rod waited up all night for Kate but she didn’t come back. She thought Kate ran away to prove a point, something Joy did as a teen. Martin was sure that she was safe and pouting at a friend’s house as Joy said. He remembered Kate walking into the house and closing the front door. Joy thought about involving the police, but Martin talked her into waiting as it would be the opposite of private and quiet. He didn't want the police to think Joy was negligent. He assured her that Kate was a good girl who would come home. Jeanette eavesdropped on the entire conversation.

After their meeting, Martin went to the AV room where he caught Mallory Higgins about to play a video over the morning announcements. He confronted her about what she was up to and saw through her lies. She admitted that it was a prank - a video of their favorite teachers doing silly things. He saw himself on the video from his home this morning, getting sprayed by the sprinklers. He made her turn it off and gave her detention. He returned to his office and played the prank list video. He watched himself leave the house and rewound. He carefully watched the windows. In the background, in the living room window, Kate could be seen. He ejected the tape and destroyed it.[8]

Kate's Isolation and Captivity[]

Martin Harris (2)

On August 30th, Kate and Martin spoke on his couch where she admitted that she felt alone in her life. She didn't know how it happened. He assured her that she wasn’t alone because he was here and listening. She put her head on his shoulder where she fell asleep. He gently laid her on the couch, removed her sneakers, and covered her with a blanket.

She woke up the next day, August 31st, and went in search of him. She went to the basem*nt where she checked her reflection in the mirror before she returned upstairs. He startled her at the top of stairs to see how she slept, which was like a baby. He made her breakfast and informed her that he had to go to school for a staff meeting, so she would have to walk to school alone. She was fine with that and thanked him for listening. He enjoyed their friendship and never connected with another student like this before, but reminded her that it's Mr. Harris - at least at school. She watched him leave from the window. He went into the yard where he was sprayed with her sprinkles which annoyed him. He got into his car and drove off, unaware that Mallory Higgins recorded the incident from behind a tree.

She took this chance to explore his home and tried on one of his shirts. That night, she tried to cook a frozen pizza but set off the smoke alarm. Martin came home and hurried into the kitchen and turned off the alarm. He asked why she wasn't at school to which she couldn't think of what to say to people. She wasn't a very good liar. Martin revealed that Joy went to the school that day in search of Kate and came to him specifically. He told her to leave as he could lose his job or worse if people found out where she was. The phone rang and stopped her from leaving, and Martin thanked the detective on the other end and told Kate that she was officially a missing persons. He closed the blinds but she assured him that she could fix this by going home. She just needed his help to concoct a lie about where she was. He poured them drinks but stopped her from drinking, as he forgot she was underage.

He should have called the police or her parents, but she assured him that he helped her. She told him that a distraction helped her think, like running. She offered to play a game to help them think. He didn't have Monopoly or knew where his deck of cards was. She proposed Never Have I Ever, the drinking game, to which he noted she was very convincing. He had her drink with the “never have I ever been on the debate team”. They ended up having dinner together, pancakes and laughed over the idea of breakfast for dinner.

Kate asked how old Martin was but he redirected by asking how old she thought he is. She knew he’s old enough to be wise, but she’s wise too. She reminded him that he mistook her for an adult when they first met. It was her turn to say “never have I ever” so she mentioned never having been on a road trip. He took a drink. He drove from Maine through Florida until the road just ended in Key West. She asked what made him drive that far, asking if it was for a girl. It was so he mentioned that she should go to Key West sometime, though she should have a tour guide. She asked if it should be someone wise which he agreed. It was his turn so he says “never have I ever kissed someone older”. She drank since Jamie was six months older. He asked if she had kissed someone much older, which she hadn't. She asked if he was daring her too but he wasn't; she’s beautiful and smart but no. She knows it would be crazy, which he questioned again. She was tired so he told her it was time for bed.

Twenty one days later, Kate and Martin played tag in his house and he found her in the closet. She threw a towel at him, fell into his arms, and they kissed. She darted off as he pursued her. They wound up downstairs where he pulled her in to kiss her neck. She was sweaty so he told her to run a shower for them. She left where he was distracted by the news about Kate's friends and families praying for her safe return. He turned off the TV and went into the bathroom, where Kate snag, and closed the doors behind him.

On day thirty, she asked him to stay home that day which made him chuckled as she asked that everyday. He ironed his shirt while she rambled about being stuck inside with TV and a lot of energy. He told her to go through travel guides to pick places they should go when it's safe. He cited her eighteenth birthday as a safe day. He iterated that it was her homework. That night, she made the bed with him and though they should move away to Thailand or a French island, or maybe Bora Bora. He agreed and flipped her over, kissed her forehead, and told her it was bedtime.

Martin Harris (3)

On day thirty four, they laid on the couch where she remarked that she could wait until she was enough for people not to worry about their age difference. He expressed regret that she had to choose between him and her family. He wanted her to have both, but they couldn't right now - at east not here. They agreed on Bora Bora and kissed. The doorbell rang so Martin shoved Kate into the closet while he answered the door. It was Greg Turner, whose tired had blown out and needed to call his wife. Martin tried to brush him off as the house being a mess and him sick, but Greg didn't care. He pushed inside anyway and called Cindy. Martin anxiously watched Greg wander to the closet and back again. Greg noticed the two coffee cups and apologized if he had ruined a romantic morning after, but Martin brushed it off as lazy housework. He ushered Greg out so Kate emerged annoyed. That was too close for both of them. He hung a dark curtain over the front door so no one could see in or out.

Martin Harris (4)

On day sixty-four, they celebrated Halloween. She wanted to wear a mask for trick-or-treaters but he refused since people would know the person wasn't him. He promised they'll do something fun like watch scary movies. He had a PTA meeting so she asked if the police were still around the school. He looked away from her to say that the assumption is that she ran away. He pressed this was a good thing since people snooping around would be bad for both of them. They made a romantic blanket for in the foyer. She asked how their bubble will end, since it can't go on forever. Martin kissed her forehead and told her to watch the movie.

On day eighty-nine, Thanksgiving Day, they ate dinner together when she inquired about Ben Hallowell and if he gloated over Skylin High School's win over Medford. He coolly said he hadn't noticed. She asked about his parents but he brushed it off as him being buried in work. He noticed her displeasure with the stuffing and encouraged her to voice her opinion. She admitted that her mama didn't put apples in the stuffing. He insisted they would make their own traditions and recipes.

By Christmas Eve, Martin noticed Kate's depression worsening as she refused to get out of bed. He brought her cookies and tea but she didn't eat. She missed the mall, the movies, the buttery popcorn, and the people. He pointed out that they watch tons of movies. She missed sunlight on her skin and other people. She mostly missed the mall. He told her to stay in bed as long as she wanted but he had to run some last-minute Christmas errands.

Martin went to the mall where Jeanette saw him. She pulled up her hoodie and biked away as he entered the building. Police cars surround him and he froze up. He slowly raised his hands but the cops rushed past him and into the mall. He let out a breath and went into the mall anyway. When he returned, he gave the pretzel to Kate and heated it up for her. She decided to go to bed early as she didn't feel well. That night, she left the house for a long time before she returned to bed. Martin pretended to sleep, but opened his eyes when she returned to bed.

On day 119, Christmas Day, Kate opened her last gift from Martin, a pearl necklace. She loved it and he helped her put it on. That night, she wore a red dress and pearls. He told her she looked stunning. They ate dinner together. He noted that she seemed better but she pointed out that it was Christmas. She lied that was the only reason. He asked if she felt guilty for sneaking out.

He asked where she went, so she told him not to be mad. He coolly stated that he would decide if he was angry or not. He repeated the questions. She admitted that she went her house, but he clarified it was her old house, just to see her parents. She didn’t go in nor did anyone see her. He asked if she knew how bad it would be if someone saw her, or if she ever thought of him. She noted that she was suffocating - the circ*mstances, the hiding, she couldn't stand it. He remarked that he did everything he could to make her happy.

He told her to never go outside again, not until she was eighteen. She pointed out what it sounds like; as if he was her kidnapper. He asked her not to ever say that. She told him to let her leave, so he asked if that’s really what she wanted. She removed the pearls and put them on the table. He didn't believe her but she didn't care. He told her to think about what will happen to him, but she promised not to tell. He pointed out that people would find out the truth. It also didn't look good for her - people looked for her while she lived here. She’ll figure it out but had to leave. He begged her not to leave as he took her in when no one else would and they loved each other. She asked where her suitcase was. He told her it was in the basem*nt.

Martin Harris (5)

She apologized that it ended this way. When she was out of the room he apologized too. She went down the steps but stopped at the bottom of the stairs. Martin slowly closed the door which startled her. He locked it with a key. She ran up the stairs to find it locked. He went to the living room and put on a vinyl record as she shouted for him to open the door and banged on it. He drowned her out with the Christmas music.[9]

Martin kept Kate hostage in his basem*nt for months. The time they spent together was horrific for Kate and she later recounted that the adjustment period was hard for both of them. They had to learn their roles in the situation. He would leave her trail mix on the steps while she showered. She threw the mix at the steps angrily as she didn't want any more trail mix.

One day, Martin brought her jellied toast while she took a shower. He listened at the top of the basem*nt stairs to ensure that the water was running, unlocked the deadbolts, and crept down the stairs silently. He purposefully avoided a creaky stair and went to leave the toast. Kate hid behind a wall and tried to flee while Martin was occupied, but was disheartened to learn he had locked the door behind him. He stood stoically at the foot of the stairs holding the plate of toast for her. She had no choice but to retreat. She weakly asked him what he wanted and why he was doing this. He merely responded that he wanted her to eat. She feigned taking the foot but threw it aside and attacked him. He fought her off and threw her to the ground as he fled the basem*nt. He shakily locked the basem*nt door and held the side of his face where she had scratched him.

Kate ate half of her toast but laid motionless on the basem*nt floor. Martin came down and crouched near her. He told her that this part wouldn't last much longer and she passed out moments later. She awakened later to find that the basem*nt had been filled with gallons of water, boxes of snack food, bags of fruit and vegetables, tampons, mouthwash, and toilet paper. She also noticed the barbed wires attached to the windows.[5]

One day, Kate raced up the basem*nt stairs as she struggles to breathe. She banged on the locked basem*nt door as she looks over her shoulder. She screamed for help as Martin races up behind her. She once refused to let Martin inside the basem*nt. He assured her that he wouldn't force himself in though she pointed out that he forced her to live down here. He brought her chicken but she didn't want it, though he worried that she couldn't survive on protein bars and juice. He also thought she needed someone to talk to. She just wanted to get out so she could tell everyone he was a sicko. He admitted that he didn’t want to tell her this, but people had given up looking for her. She began to cry as he pushed that her friends, family, police, and even Jamie have given up. He dated Jeanette Turner now and Skylin had moved on from Kate Wallis. He told her to get comfortable as this was her new world.

Martin Harris (6)

Kate later ate a plate of food in the basem*nt with fingers, eating hurriedly, as Martin watched. He vocalized his thoughts about what she said earlier about him being a sicko. He didn't understand how she could call him that when he was the one who kept her clothed, comfortable, and prepared her food. She stopped eating for a moment. He told her that before she started calling him more names, she should remember how she ended up here. She closed her eyes for a moment and then returned to her food.[7]


Martin Harris (7)

On June 21st, 1994, Martin came downstairs to see Kate. He came with a small wooden box and was visibly distraught. He tried to find another way for this to end but there wasn't one. Kate put down the book she was reading and stood up. She told him they could find another way. He revealed that the police came to his house today and there was only a matter of time before they came back with a search warrant. He opened the box to show a gun that he removed. He introduced Kate to Annabelle, a family heirloom. Kate asked why he brought the gun. It was the one that his father used. Kate asked if he was going to kill her. He apologized for the things he did and what he was about to do. She begged him not to kill her. He tells her to go live her life and see the world as they wanted, to know she’s truly loved. He told her goodbye and put the gun to his head which scared her.

Martin Harris (8)

He couldn't do it and slowly put it down before he dropped it to the floor. Martin then solemnly walked to the steps and let out a scream. He banged his hands on the walls as he shouts. She picked up the gun, co*cked it, and pointed it at him. He looked at her and told her to listen to home. He was wrong as it was the two of them and they would find a way. He asked for the gun back as she didn't want to do this. She loved him. Kate flashed through their moments together. The good and the bad. After a long moment, Kate pulled the trigger and shot Martin. She dropped the gun and began to cry. She kneeled next to Martin’s body. She sat with him all night as she felt paralyzed and guilty for loving him, hating him, and killing him. The next day, Kate called the police for help and they came to rescue her.[10] The public story was that Martin was killed in a shootout in front of Kate.[3]

On August 15th, Tanya Peterson did an interview with Molly Green where she lied that Martin came onto her during a date. She claimed that he volunteered personal information without being provoked. He did everything in his power to sleep with her and was forceful. Jeanette Turner, who watched the interview in Rent2Nite, blurted out that it was a lie. Tennille Peterson leapt to her mothers defense and was horrified that Jeanette defended a pedophile.[6]


On August 29th, His grave was violated by a furious Kate per Mallory's urging, and more of him being a pedophile is unearthed on the news; such as his near abduction of another teenage girl long during his time at Widow Falls. However, Kate protested this as it not being the same thing as Martin disclosed this relationship to her while she was captive.


Physical Appearance[]

Martin was a tall and lean man with short black hair, small brown eyes, and a large smile. He wore business-casual clothing, such as khakis and a dress shirt paired with brown dress shoes. He also wore a brown watch and was noted for his expressive eyes.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Martin was thirty-one years old at the time of his death.


Martin Harris (9)

Martin Harris (10)

Martin Harris (11)

Martin Harris (12)

Martin Harris (13)

Martin Harris (14)

Martin Harris (15)

Martin Harris (16)

Martin Harris (17)


Cruel Summer
Season 1


Martin Harris (2024)


Why was Martin Harris excommunicated from the LDS Church? ›

During 1837, a time of intense con ict within the Church, Harris clashed with Sidney Rigdon and refused to join the Church-sponsored Kirtland Safety Society, which was issuing paper money. Harris was released from the high council on September 3, 1837, and was excommunicated during the last week of December 1837.

Why was David Whitmer excommunicated? ›

Whitmer, a proud and stubborn man, was still smarting from con icts over his leadership in Missouri. In the disciplinary council that excommunicated Whitmer, on April 13, 1838, one of the main charges brought against him was “possessing the same spirit with the Dissenters” (Donald Q.

When did Martin Harris leave the LDS church? ›

Final Testimony. Martin served faithfully through the coming years, but he separated himself from the Church during the turbulent time of the late 1830s. He was excommunicated in December of 1837, but he again humbled himself and was rebaptized in 1842.

Were the 116 pages ever found? ›

The earliest scripture revealed in the Restoration, the Book of Mormon's “lost 116 pages,” disappeared nearly 200 years ago, never to resurface.

Who was the last LDS apostle to be excommunicated? ›

Richard Roswell Lyman (November 23, 1870 – December 31, 1963) was an American engineer and religious leader who was an apostle in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1918 to 1943. Lyman is often noted as the most recent LDS Church apostle to have been excommunicated.

Did Sidney Rigdon leave the LDS Church? ›

Though members of the Twelve reached out to Rigdon, he refused to accept their leadership, was excommunicated from the Church in September 1844, and then returned to Pittsburgh. There he formed an independent church organization.

Why did Oliver Cowdery leave the LDS church? ›

He was excommunicated in 1838 along with several other prominent Missouri church leaders on allegations of misusing church property amid tense relations between them and Smith. After his excommunication, Cowdery moved to Wisconsin, where he practiced law and became involved in local politics.

What happened to the three witnesses of the Book of Mormon? ›

All three men eventually broke with Smith and the church he organized, although Harris and Cowdery were eventually rebaptized into the church after Smith's death. Whitmer founded his own Church of Christ. All three men upheld their testimony of the Book of Mormon at their deaths.

How many of the 8 witnesses left the church? ›

The Three Witnesses remained faithful to their testimonies of the Book of Mormon. All three [special] witnesses became estranged and left the Church.

Why did John Johnson leave the LDS Church? ›

Despite the significant impact the Johnson family had on the early Church, some family members became caught up in the financial speculation and apostasy that took hold in Kirtland in 1837–38. Father Johnson and his sons Luke and Lyman were among those who left the Church, as were John F. Boynton and William McLellin.

Has there ever been a black apostle in the LDS Church? ›

No member of the two highest governing bodies, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has to date been Black.

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The General Social Survey has found a 46% retention rate in the church for those born after 1981 — aka millennials. The amount of young people leaving The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints may be climbing.

How many wives did Joseph Smith have? ›

The Mormon church has said for the first time that its founder Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives. In an essay published on its website quoting "careful estimates", the church said the wives included a 14-year-old and others who were already married.

Who was Martin Harris' wife? ›

Marriage to Caroline Young

Lucy Harris died in the summer of 1836, and on November 1, 1836, Harris married Caroline Young, the 22-year-old daughter of Brigham Young's brother, John. Harris was 31 years older than his new wife; they had seven children together.

What are the hidden pages of the Book of Mormon? ›

In June 1828, Joseph Smith reluctantly allowed his scribe Martin Harris to borrow 116 pages of the original Book of Mormon manuscript. Harris promised to guard the pages and show them only to certain family members, but the pages soon disappeared and have never been recovered.

What happened to the Three Witnesses of the LDS Church? ›

Ways to Learn More about Their Testimonies

Subsequently, all three witnesses were excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but until the end of their lives they always affirmed their testimonies of what they had seen and heard about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

Why was Oliver Cowdery excommunicated LDS? ›

Cowdery's relationship with Joseph Smith and the church's leadership began to deteriorate in the mid-1830s. He was excommunicated in 1838 along with several other prominent Missouri church leaders on allegations of misusing church property amid tense relations between them and Smith.

Why a former Mormon bishop was excommunicated? ›

Sam Young, the former Mormon who was excommunicated for “deliberately attacking and publicly opposing the church” in his campaign to end bishops' one-on-one youth interviews, has learned that his appeal of that disciplinary decision has been rejected.

Why did the Whitmer family leave the LDS church? ›

The Whitmers all shared the same disagreements over the direction the Church was taking in 1837–1838 and collectively separated themselves from the Church at that time.


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