how about drinking? - Page 748 (2024)

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  • juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    beans don't we all have a foot fetish!how about drinking? - Page 748 (2)

  • BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    A little girl asks her mum, 'Mum, can I take the dog for a walk around the block?'
    Her mum replies 'No, because she is on heat.'
    'What does that mean?' asked the child.
    'Go and ask your father. I think he's in the garage.'
    The little girl goes out to the garage and says, 'Dad, can I take Lulu for a walk around the block? I asked Mum, but she said the dog was on the heat, and to come ask you.'
    He took a rag, soaked it in petrol, and scrubbed the dog's backside with it to disguise the scent, and said 'Ok, you can go now, but keep Lulu on the leash and only go one time around the block.'
    The little girl left and returned a few minutes later with no dog on the leash..
    Surprised, Dad asked, 'Where's Lulu?'
    You'll love this!!!!!!!!!)............... The little girl said, 'She ran out of petrol about halfway round the block, so another dog is pushing her home.'

  • juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    good morning berniehow about drinking? - Page 748 (5)

  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Another beautiful sunny day in store today, going to fire up the new tiller and try it out. Love gardening time!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (7)

    Goldie--I just realized that this IS just about the end of March, and with the protectors I can put out some seedlings now. My favorite places to get seedlings aren't open quite yet so I guess I'll just have to go looking for some others. Oh, my, an excuse to go shopping, such a hard life I lead! Now to find out if I have a working water hose since I left mine outside this fall. It was old to begin with, not sure how it stood up to the winter weather.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (8)

    Wahine--remember to take pics to post when you get back! The canal tour sounds like a lot of fun.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (9)

    Mema--a date with your DH? Do married people go on dates? Is that allowed? (giggle,giggle) You are right about the hot shower, the only thing better is a hot tub. Don't ya love how the furbabies and tell time? Mine does the same thing, but if I don't get up and go to bed when she woofs to she goes and gets up on the bed and rearranges all the pillows! It's actually kind of funny.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (10)

    DorKable--Wow, Mr Big had the Xanax fountain up and running by the time we all finished our current dwinkies! He can move fast when he wants! Thanks for the support with the doc's rating sites. I don't know if anyone uses those sites, but it makes me feel better to put that info out there. Hmm, been a week since I was supposed to hear from the patient rep, may be time to write a letter to the editor of the local paper. . .

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (11)how about drinking? - Page 748 (12)

    Chrissy--it is so nice that the visiting nurses can come BEFORE you have the procedure to make sure everything is in place. We don't have anything like that here in the states. We have to depend on the doc's office giving us info about what we will need, and usually can't get the equipment until after the surgery. Preparing ahead of time is such a timesaver and makes things so much easier!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (13)
    Karen--if the Actonel improved your scores before it should do that again for you. I hear you about not wanting to take so many pills, it gets to be a real PIA. D@mned bc takes away so much, it's just not fair!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (14)

    Beanie--today is supposed to be the last day of the heat wave, so I'll be back to complaining about the cold come tomorrow. I'm a sucker for April Fools jokes, too, and really do not like that "holiday." And I'm working that day, so I'm going to be vulnerable to jokes and pranks. Usually I hibernate at home to stay away from all that stuff!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (15)

    Xanax and Ativan are from the same class of drugs, (benzodiazepines for the interested, Valium is the prototype drug for this class). Xanax has a shorter active time in the system than Ativan. Ativan comes in oral and IV forms, xanax is only oral. The do the same thing, calm anxiety and help with sleep. Xanax starts to work quicker than Ativan, although not by much (20 to 40 minutes for xanax, 30 to 45 minutes for ativan. Lesson over, buy the teacher a sexy dwinkie!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (16)

    Bernie: LOL!!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (17)

    Juliet--good morning to you, too!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (18)

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD isthe Pill Popper
    2 oz Vodka
    2 oz Bourbon
    1/2 oz Lemon
    4 parts Coca Cola
    Best served in a Whiskey Sour Glass.

    Mix JD & vodka together, add dash of lemon juice and top up glass with co*ke!

  • wahine Member Posts: 7,590

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    LOL NM, we can ALL use a pill popper DOTD! And THANK YOU for the remedy, last night I took tylenol and xanax and slept soooo good! My back still hurts like hail, but hoping the steroid will take effect soooooon. Love the snowman cartoon wid da hose in teh *ahem* "right" place! Funneeeee!

    Chrisy, So, ok, I wll be on the island of Madeira, Portugal when you have your knee replacement. SO what time will you be habbbing your soigery, in regards to that time? Want to be sure I don't miss da UFO (but I gotta get back quickly!), and wanna be thinking of you too, at the right time! If you can pm or email me afterwards, I would like to hear more details after your soigery, as it now looks like my DH will need that too, since the flt attendant really messed up his knee on our last trip. He had his other knee replaced, but that was prolly 20 yrs ago, so I know things have improved since then (well they better have!). Best, best, best to you, my dahlink, you are soooo loved by all of us here. Hope your autumn settles down, and winter takes awhile to get there.

    Karen, oh mese, oh my, I hate hearing that about your bone scan. Hope you can get on something asap to halt any more loss. My mom took fosomax for years, and just a couple of yrs ago got off of it, and I think it must have done a world of good, I just hope neither of them ever falls, though. And it isn't just the rat ba$tard that does this to ulcers now prevent me from taking any calcium, so I wonder what my next scan will be like, too? PLease try to stay on top of this, and I hope the dr has a good solution, or good meds, etc., for you to take. Hope your PC or ONC calls you SOON, and has a good plan.

    Beansie, YAY, a partay!! ANd you have so much frozen stuff...guess you can jest leave it outside, lol...j/k. I missed the pic of the guiness opener on the truck(?)...will have to see what NM posted earlier. My DH loves his guiness and since he has taken over my truck, that would be SOOOO funneeeeeee! Glad you are enjoying your alone time, and that your DH is doing so many projects! Yippeeee.....when my DH is alone, he does NOTHING...well, computer and tv, but does not like to do projects. I have to mention something needs doing/fixing many times b4 he will attempt to do it. Then he does it the quickest way....I would rather take longer and do it the best I can do. So we usually have to redo anything he does! He keeps saying he misses me already, and I shouldn't leave, etc., and what will he do without me, etc. Well, I know what he will do without me....NUTTIN! But, gotta admit, he does a lot of phone calls I don't wanna do, and returns things,etc. I finally got him to call the dr at HOME last night, and the dr says he WILL do my report today....remember this is from Feb 10th! We called his office, and the surgery center many times, to no avail. HOPE this call to him will do the trick. Otherwise, I am considering cancelling my next procedure on the 6th. OTAY....git dis UFO ovah heah rat now....I izzz joining you all for de lampshade partay at Bean's mountain retreat!!! YIPPEE!!! C'mon girlz!!!

    Well, my DD gets here late this afternoon! Yay! I still have more to do though. And our darn a/c downstairs unit is freezing up. We bought 2 big new units about 3 yrs ago and have nothing but trouble from them. Prob is, our a/c guy kept just adding freon, and had us install all new copper piping to upstairs, etc., when the prob was the units were defective! THen he died, so of course the warranty for replacement AND labor was just 1 year. So last yr we paid a ton of labor costs for someone to replace upstairs unit (outside and in attic, they are heat pumps), and now looks like we have to do the same for downstairs unit. They have 10yr warranty, but not on labor, AND that particular year they used thinner copper inside...wish they could have gotten recalled, since it was MADE defective!!! Sheesh!

    Will chat wid ya sexy ladies later.....hoping everyone is having a good THIRST-DEY and enjoying the "Pill Popper" dwinks! I like the xanax fountain, too!!!



  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Yikes about the ac unit, Hooray for DD coming home! Here's hoping the steriod shot kicks in really soon!

  • goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,825

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Alli, have a great rest of the week and enjoy your movie time with your friend.

    NM, I have been growing Swiss Chard all winter, and we have gotten down to 5 degrees! I am gonna try some other stuff too, come this winter, to see what is hardy. In the Shady Lady, which gets almost to the same temps as outside, my parsley, sage and oregano are doing great. They are suppose to protect plants down to 16 degrees. Oh I hope you can plant! You know if you buy seeds, you can keep them for years if you keep them in the fridge, then you don't have to worry about not having any when you want to start propagating. OMG, a letter to the local paper? That is an AWESOME idea, DO IT! Loved your charge for the advice on Ativan vs. Xanax!

    Kathy, are you feeling any better? Oh, and I hope you will be able to share some pictures when you get home, as you are going to so many interesting places, except for the poo that is! How are those tootsies doing, and did the epidural hep you back?

    Mema, no worries about the plant protectors, really! I just think they are so neet, and especially for people that garden and like to grow food. Due to our weather, our growing season is rather short. And believe me, I do not make any money on them, MAYBE .50 ea. Enjoy your DMe day.

    DorK, you say you haft a woyk hard for end of da munf, but it only the middle of the munf? And how are you feeling, still lots of pain? As foy da big dogs, Mema and I would look kinda funny wif little feets, don't ya think? And yes, prolly fall down.

    Chrissy, you have pages and pages to read, but you gots to's GOOD reading! As for taking time for me, I don't know what I would do!!!! What is the actual day foy you surgery? Weese all habs to be there, ya know. Me and Beans will stock up da UFO, you EC goyles need to get the bus loaded. I'm sure Kathy can sneak away for a bit, from her vacay. And we can all have big/little par-tay in OZ! Ok, I see you posted, the day for us is the 29th.

    Karen, I have reached some osteopena as well. I hear ya on the pills! And must admit, I have slacked. My onc told me to get some tums, and try to at least do those. I get my Dexa scans every year.

    Beans, we will all haf to be on our toes to watch out for Dinka on April Fools, you are not the only one she has got. Glad to know that you keep survival stuff wif you. We do that too if we have to go out and bad weather could be a possibility, but if it's already bad out, we stay PUT. And I am with you, could not move back to the city. I have lived out in the country for close to 30 years. I hope your DH gets home soonliest for you, can tell you miss him.

    At first I saw the Pill Pooper! LOL Ahhhhh, the Pill Popper! Now that's one pill I can POP, not POOP!

  • Beanius Member Posts: 1,494

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Mornin' Dolls,

    Well, this is NOT April Fools, and I said I would post a pic so you would believe is my view out my door at about 7 am this morning. Looks like Christmas!

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    This is one I took when I was out on Monday - a view of the was partially sunny and sooooooo beautiful!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (24)

    It is just dumping snow, so I guess I will get my skiis back out of the will hafta wait.

    Bernie - LOL!! Dog ran outa petrol and got pushed home - ha ha ha!

    Juliet - Mornin Sunshine!

    NM - tanks for the splainin of xanax and ativan...I tink I will order some of both! Love the PILL POPPER DOTD!

    Wahine - I can hardly believe that doc didn't do the report yet from Feb 10th! Really strange. And yes, the party's ragin on here, but I will have to get the tenders to bring some extra knit hats and gloves for everyone...there's still plenty of likker, yay!

    I be back later to chat some more...Hope everyone has a great, sunny day, with lots of PILL POPPERS! cHEERs!

  • Beanius Member Posts: 1,494

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Ooooops Goldie, I sawwy I bumped into ya!

  • wahine Member Posts: 7,590

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    OMG that pic is GAWGEOUS Beansie! Just so very, very beeeeeeutiful. Thanks for sharing with us, and you made it just like a postcard. Love your "Planet Hoth"! Wish I could share some of this heat and sunshine with you! Actually right now, that cold planet looks awfully inviting..............

    Lori, my tootsies are better...but only cuz the big toenails are mostly gone. Very tender though, and it will be hard to wear shoes again! Feeling better, but still weak and headachy. My mom just called and I realized after the call I felt so hot and yucky, cuz there are still things I need to do for her today. Really had my stuff to do, so might get DH to take her to get pills refilled, and get her hair color. She needed coupons and ads which I had thrown out yesterday, but went through another pile and found hair color cps for her. Guess it got me stressed, as I have a full day of just what I need to do for ME and the trip, so ANYTHING else seems stressful! LOL...just cause I still feel weak. She thought it was cuz I got pissed at Kohls yesterday...but that has nothing to do with it. SO I hope she realizes I really feel sick, and not cuz of stupid Kohls!!!!



  • karen1956 Member Posts: 4,501

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Took and Ativan last nightt and I'm more tired this morning when I don't take anything....and DH was laughing about what he heard me say in my sleep......often I remember talking in my sleep but not last night......Its almost 9 and I haven't done anything yet except be on the compuer...need to figure out what I want to do of those days where its "where do I start"?

    Time to jump in the shower and figure out what to do....I'm sure there is something I can find to do in the house!!!!! and of course I've not walked the past few days so need to get a long walk in.....Have a good day..

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Beans - am glad you go wit da protective gear. Mese worries bout ewes being on HOTH all alone. I'll bees on da next UFO come bisit wif ewes, jes hopes da doors dont close on mese feet. But only bisit fer taday, gotta buz back ta Vegas for da PET scan tamary. NO DumDums fer me!!! LOL.

    Karen - sorry to hear bout your density test. I'm getting my 1st one on Monday. Had to practically beg for that. Results will go to my PCP and my Onco as well as da Ortho brothers. Dis other brother I saw Tues walked in with attitude. I won't be seeing either one of them again. I hope you can tolerate a med that will bring those counts back up. Praying for ya!

    Chrissy - I have ur surgery marked on my calendar...I will be der...weellly widdle and if I can find something to climb up on, I'll git up on da bed an hold ur hand...K? My 81 yoa neighbor jes had her knee replaced on Valentines day. She is doing great. Not as big a deal as they used at be, but the heal time and PT is the drag. But after 2 or 3 mos, you'll be good as new and SEXIER too!

    Morning Juliet !!

    Bernie - LOL on dat one. Reminds me of my 'Sandy' back in the late 70's. She was a rescue part rott/st bernard. We thought she had been spayed. My DS, like 6 yoa then, asked to take her for a walk. He comes back all red faced, crying, leash, but no dog. He's screaming, mommy, another dog is 'stuck' on Sandy! LOL Yep, 11 pups..ugh.

    NM - PILL POPPER...that is perf*ck...will have a few whilst I'm visiting Beans on HOTH later taday. And yes, it is amazing dem dogs can tail time...freaks me out actually, but cute too. Thanks for the quickie lesson on Xanax and Ativan. I've been on Xanax since my dx and never would have believed I'd still be on it, but cannot imagine being without it now, still having too many rollercoaster days, think I'd be in a rubber room if it weren't for Xanax and the DOTD's....LOL.

    WaWa - Wow bout the ac and u gonna need it soonliest, well, at least by the time u git back from ur travels with DD. Am so fercited for u...I kno I keep sayin dat...but I can't help it. I sending a little somethin somethin CYBERLY to kickstart dat steriod shot...k.

    Dorka, Scoob, Alli....and eberbody....MUAH!

  • chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Kathy I will be in surgery at approximately 2.00pm on March 30th which would be about 3.30am also March 30th in Lisbon.

    Beans those pics are gorgeous!!!! You sure do live in a scenic place!!!

    NM yes I am lucky to have the community nurses to check things out prior to surgery as having to sort it all out once I get home would definitely be a right pain in the $ss!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Goldie - ooppsss mese bumped ya and didn't realize it...sawee...I want to plant desert scape in that bed any good DIY websites with pics n bushes, n shrubs, n stuff u can recommend? to get my house cleaned! Den I'm off on da UFO to HOTH...see ya when u come down da ski slope Beans...I'll see ya when ya emerge from dem beautiful trees out ur front door.

    Later Dahhlinks!

  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Well, I'm having trouble getting the tiller to start. I debated getting an electric over a gas one, my aunt has one of these and she said it was easy to start. I'm not very happy right now, and I do NOT want to get someone to help me starting it for me (which is probably what I'll end up doing, but that's another story). I'm in a serious "do it myself" 3 year old attitude! I'll keep at it. I think the ground is still too wet, but I can try it, if I can ever get it to start! YAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!

  • wahine Member Posts: 7,590

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH....I am flustrated wid ya, NM.....hoping you CAN get it started!!!! I know how you feel, and it is aggravatin if ya has ta ask for help. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Chrissy, Thanks for the times for Madeira....I'll be tinking of ya....might be riding down the steep hill in a wicker basket, or hiking a lavada trail...or...or....or....BUT I definately will have you in my thoughts and prayers!

    Mema. BEST luck wid da PET scan tomorrow...and yeah...NO MORE dumdums, or anyting like it! Hope you have good results!!!

    Hugs....Been working for 2 hrs on transferring the video from card on a camcorder I only used 1.5 yrs ago in OZ....had to download a buncha chit to the puter, and FINALLY getting it on a DVD. Cuz I really want to erase it from dis card so I can take lots of videos on dis twip....but didn't wanna lose any of it. GOTTA PACK...but yes Lori, I do have most of it already laid out....jest gotta make sure I didn't miss anytin, and if I can purge anytin.

    Cheers Dears!


  • Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    I took a few personal days (first time ever in 10yrs) and DH and I flew to Phoenix this morn! Sitting on patio with SIL, barefoot, drinking iced tea. It's about 78 degrees. Decided after the year from hell last year getting BC and all that, it was time to do something for me and not worry about all the things I have to do. Life's too short as we are all too aware. I am trying very hard not to check my work email while here!

  • karen1956 Member Posts: 4,501

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Not one of my better days......DAMN....if I could only cry!!!!...I'm in such a f...n....funk!!! Sure wish I knew why some days are like this....maybe if I could get myself to journal daily, I could figure it out......but then again, probably not........

    Onc's office called with the bone density results....missed the call cuz the phone was on too soft of a ringer...and I love the nurse who called....she also gave me my labs from last week (not the #'s though, but I'll get them in the mail).....tumor markers were "perfect" and everything else was normal" (to quote her) my #'s that was rising either went down or stayed the same....So now just need tow ait to see what PCP has to say.....but the change in spine is significant....leg and neck are I'll be back on a biophosphonate again.....ugh!!!! but if I decline that much in 2+ years (and not on AI's for most of that time), then I really need to address this.....Wish I knew more what it meant if spine is osteoporosis and others osteopenia...what does that mean in general for risk of fractures.....And now that I'm not as skinny, the score should be better....I need to take this weight off...I feel sooo fat...rolls on my tummy.....its hard to gain weight and deal with it when you used to be a small person!!!! Okay....enough whining for now....will wait for the real stuff.......

  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Karen--when the spine has osteoporosis and the other places have osteopenia, that just means that the bones in the spine are softer than they should be. That means there is a risk of what is called a compression fracture, where one of the vertebrae in your back 'chrunches' or collapses in on itself. This can cause pain by trapping and putting pressure on the nerves that come out of the spine. High impact activity is most often associated with compression fractures, so I would suggest you don't go skydiving or jump off porches and the like. Osteopenia in the hip and other places may mean that you are at a very slightly higher risk that normal of breaking a hip or other bone. Osteoporosis and osteopenia are one of the few "risks" you get from being skinny! I'm sorry you are in this position, I know taking pills is not a fun thing to do. And wining (or whining) is just fine, here, after all what makes a lounge a great one is the tenders and friends who are willing to listen to us whine???

    Hooray for me, I got the tiller going! And I got about 1/4 of the garden tilled up, the dirt is just fine, not too wet, so I HAVE to get some seedlings into the ground next week! And they will need protection, so I will HAVE to use the new plant protectors I got not long ago!

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Karen...will say some prayers for you....some that you'll learn to cry....Stress is a big demon too right up there, in my opinion, with the BC RatB@st@rd. I worry for you. Other prayers will be that you get on some meds you can tolerate to help the spine.((Karen)).

    NM - why ewes doin dis yards work? Neber mind...mese knos weelly...mese jes swept, vaccuumed, dusted, mopped, changed bedding, washed rugs...etc. Mese hands sooo sore...always happens since da Bc, like my skin is thinner or sumptin...n mese spine is KILLIN mese...but won't ask for help or wait til DH is here to help. Been tooo independent fer too long....hmmm...Ms. Independent...isn't dat a Kelly Clarkson hit? Mese hopes ewes get it started if not taday den tamary.

    Soon as mese finished all mese housework...mese took da UFO to HOTH....freezin mese butt off, but ooooo, da Beans has da best selection of booze...a shot a dis, a shot a dat...mese warmliest right down to mese toezies!! Why tank ewe Beans fer da nudder dwink...Titz up!

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    NM - glad ewes got it started and da tillin done. thanks fer spaining the diff tween porosis and penia. Dat damn doc yest...had 'tude right away, tol him my knee was much better but wanted Ortho on board as I kno osteoporosis is happening and want to take all precautions. He launches into diff tween porosis and arthritis...cripes...I kno da diff... I tell him bout my spine, hurt hurt hurt...even to touch it hurts. He too busy lecturing me. Wish I was better at confrontation. N E way, I say, do you kno my history, what meds, I'm on? His ans was why shud he. Dats it...I'm mad now. He agrees to do a bone density (Mon), have results sent to my PCP, Onco and his office and if there is anything that needs to be done, I can come back n see his brother! I walked out...thank you for ur bs buddy. Will do da density cuz this is ofc of my PCP and these joker bothers fromUtahjes use da office 2x a week. I go to Vegas eber 3 weeks, sometimes more often, so will find someone there who cares. O mese rant rant rant!

    Beans....make it a double dis time...sank ewes sooos muchly!

  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Mema--a doc that is too busy lecturing you to listen to you is NOT a good doctor. Hope you find someone good in Vegas!

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    NM - feelings eggzactly! He started off pissed cuz I refused to see his brother again...da one dat came at me with da needle to drain my knee w/out deadening it 1st. Then the brother lets me leave w/out the range of motion, ice, ibu. SIL in Vegas had total knee replacement bout 10 mos ago...already back on da golf course...I'm asking for his docs name.

    WaWa - ya'll packed yet? 'coose me whilst mese mixes annuder dwink for Beansy n mese!

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Kristy - ya kno I was born n raised in Phx. Am going there for Easter. Gonna get a face-ta-face with Goldie. Am glad you took some ME time. It's so important...more so now eh? Enjoy your time with DH and SIL...and DON'Tcheck da work email. It'll still be there when you get back...jes relax and enjoy da weather and da company! ((Kristy))

  • MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Look out beelowwsss....ugh...crashes landing from da planet HOTH...ewww...mese...shooked up...but not hoit....tank goodness! Dat UFO needs a tune-up or sumptin, twainin n da landin arts da berry leastest. But mese hab sooo muchly fun w/da Beans...cept she did do bunch a skiing....Mese was a lodge bunny...hehehe. Den mese'd sneak back to Beansie while she was lifting to new heights wif her ski's danglin n da wind, n mese find mese a nudder bottle a sumptin...oooo...jes da warmliest! Beans wanted ta do some nite skiin, so mese ordered up da UFO n am home now...hope she don git tooo madly at mese fer dwinkin a bottle or twos. Da pitfires n da lodges was da lubbliest. Goils, ya jes gotta catch da UFO...when it gits bixed...n go bisit da Beans on da mountain... is weely weely cool...warm...Otey Den...jes plailiest fun. All da ski Bo's n der tightest skis pants...ewwww...Mr. Big, Jock, Pants...ewe'd b a mite jealously...yum.

    Tis bout 80o here, so gonna gib up da warmliest dwinks fer a "pill popper' on ice...ahhhh...dats da ticket!...CheErs meDeArs!

  • juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    there's a liquor store right across from the hotel and i didn't even plan that!

  • dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Hiya goils,

    I am finally back up and running with my dern internet. I had to buy a spayshall soyvice from Comcast who is my internet provider to ensure dis chit does not happen ebber again. I been so frustrated and am so happy to have my feet so firmly planted in de lounge. Yippee, it is almost fwiedey and mese fwied!

    It took me some time to read through today's post but I gotsta sey dat you goils are so dern awesome and fun. I got so eggcited to get back here to you goils, I been out since monkeydey.

    Sue, you cwack me de hail up - I think you have reinvented de Beanglish Langwitch. But I so sorry dat your doctor so mean and picking up you. Why I outta kick him in de golf balls, dat will bix him and learn him not to be lectjaring you. I do hope you kick his co*cky a$$ to de curb.

    Karen, darn, you are having a tough time with things. Mese gots some prayers for you. I got real scared when I read about your bad news on de bone scan but uh, at least it ani't de rat bastard, dat is good. Embrace upon dat fact. and so awesome that NM can give you hope of impwoving for your next scan by taking your medicine like a good goil.

    Kathy, mese sad dat you is not feeling bestliest. I said anodder prayer to de Gods of infectious deseese dat you ain't having anyting cept feeilng chitty due to surgery. I am dwinking for ya by de way. Ohhh, dat was random. I gonna miss ya goil. and tanks for your great words of encouragement todey, mese needed dat and it hailed. Me went on short bweaks to jest breed in and out like ya said.

    NM, I ain't done yet doctor bashing, mese gottza a lot more work to do. And if Mema wants to PM me her Dr. Dick's name, I can shirley find time to bash him some. I hope your tiller starts tomorrow, goil! I say prayers to de gardening Gods!

    Beanie, I tink we should hab a partay on Plant Hoth tomorree, your invite was jest too much to pass up on. Mese sawry I am late in rsv peeing.

    Bernie and Juliet, it is nice to see you goils in de middle of de night dwinking together. I hope to be hanging with you goils in de night soonly. Bernie, your poop jokes and pics cwack me de hail up, tank you.

    A big warm hello to de rest of yese. I want to talk to all yese goils but it is almost midnight and mese has anudder big dey tomorreee, fweidey night is not soonly enuff for dis goil, can't wait. I hope ebberybody will get on de UFO on fwiedey and scadiddle on obber to Plant HOTH for a big big party, it is tooo beeee yolu teee ful to pass up. See you all dere, okey?????

    Cheers goils and sending all yese lots and lots of love!

  • Beanius Member Posts: 1,494

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    K-puny - Maybe when you and your DD get on de plane to Portugal you can ask the pilot to stop by here in Hoth for a dwink, would be so fun to share a moment and a glass...or if you can figure out how to get dat sunshine over here, that would be great! Would be nice to cool your place off and add some heat over here! I'm so glad your tootsies are better and I sure hope you will take it EZ on dose purdy toes when your are traveling. I hope you were able to get your DH to help with all the stuff your mom needed so you can rest. No good to have your running around when you are feeling sick and need to rest.

    Goldie - I love Swiss Chard, that is soooo neet you can grow it! So how long you been out dere on your ranch? You been in the country 30 years? That is so neet you have herbs growing too, I would love to do that! Good to know we can keep seeds in the fridge. DH and I moved to south of Yosemite in about 1992, so we were pretty much dropping out of society from den and moved to our first country home which was a log home on 10 acres. Only a smidge of snow, sometimes I miss good ol California! We moved to eastern WA in 2005, we were pretty muchly set but then the economy tanked, oh well. Back on the chain gang!

    Karen - Well that's wud I was wondering too about ativan, if I take any I tink I feel sorta sluggish da next day, so dats why I been cutting it in havsies, but even den I tink it has an effect in da am so I just try not to take any of it, only when I'm really freakin and den only ½ tab. So what did you say in your sleep?

    Mema - Yes, DH and I always carry survival stuff when we go out in da winters here (summers too cuzza da bears and cougars), you jest neber know and we hab a lotta back up systems at the ranch and lotta frozen pizzas an brandy stored up (tee hee). I so glad you came to da Hoth ranch to par-tay!! It was so great havin you and da girls over for dwinks and skiing. I tot it was time to hang up da skiis but really I got em back out today cuz so much snow came in overnight! I get jealous of all da girls with swimming pools and hot weather and sunshine and making gardens, but hey, I still getta ski in my back yard - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Gotta say too ‘bout xanax, that I am so much better dis year dan foyst days after tx were really weird. I had meltdowns like I cudda neber hadda imagined. Really really tot I was neededda rubber room.I was so glad I had da Ativan to patch me up here and dere. Like you sed, rollercoaster! Woooooo! I totally agree dat I mighta been in da rubber room wifout da Ativan. I'm so sawwwy you hadda go through this and it's so foookin hard and not fair for all dese wunnerful goilies to have to face dis chit. But we all hold hands now and have lotta big dwinks and lotta happy Pill Poppin so allz gunna be okay.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (45)

    Chrissy - Been pagin DorK to get those tenders to work on our UFO for twavels down under, Stella dwank all da booze so Jock and Pants really need to get da bar March 30 2 pee em, but for us will be March 29? And for Dinka (thanks Goldie for that name for her!) in Lisbon 3:30 am. Goldie has taught us all how we can be in two places at once and how we can all be POOF! right wif you for your surgery!!! Can't wait to see you sleeping on da table...da docs say dat we (ebberybody) snores when we get put under...we will let you know if you snore or if you say NEting funny in your sleep!

    NM - Oh, chit, sorry bout that tiller...that's how I felt when I was trying to get the truck going for trash day, DH had it so foooking tight, no way Jose could I get that twuck started. AND I HATE AKSING FO HELP. If I can't do it I like to figure out something else or do without. I do hope you got it going!

    Wahine - How is the packing going? Everytime I travel (which is often back and forth from Hoth to the Tsunami Zone) I get so nerous dat I will foyget sumpin impoytant and I just hate packing so I hope it's going well for you!

    Husker - Yippee so good to see you poop in! Great post! Yes, life's too short and last year was chitty!

    Karen - wow, you have so much going on, I wish you could cry too to release the stress. I am soooo happy that your tumor marker were perfect and everything else normal, that is great news! Still I know how ebbery lil thing makes us worry so much. I hope your bone density gets worked out too. I don't know mine, I just take some calcium ebery day. And the weight thing is a constant battle...I just try to at least get out for a walk every day cuz that helps. Also the 94% fat free pop corn and Rold Gold pretzels, not much nutrition but a great snack with few calories. Take care Karen!!

    NM - thank GoodNess you are hear to explain the osteoprosis stuff! HOORAY YOU GOT THE TILLER GOING!!!

    MemaSuzieQ - Dat damn doc! I am so sawwy you were hurting and he was just lecturing, not good! Dat is so goot you questioned him on if he knows what you are taking! That is weird! He should know what you are taking, dat doc sounds F'd up! I'm glad you will go to other docs, I know I had a number of real freaks and I got dif opinions till I felt like sumpthin was making sense. I din't go to med school, but I was a science undergrad and knew all the kids who went on to med school, some were real doooofaces. Dey could pass physics tests, but had no brains for normal thinking. There were some real smart and nice ones too, datz who I look for to hep me wif my chit. Here here to doubles and twiple dwinks with a lotta Pill Poppers! Dat is sooooooooooooo kewl you and Goldie will meet, you gotta take some pics for us! Wish I cud meet youse too! I so glad you dint get hurt when da UFO crashlanded. Wunder wassup wit dat Gazoooo pilot??? So funny you saw me wif my skiis up dere goin, "TITZ UP!"

    Juliet - hot dam, a likker store right across from da hotel!! YAY!!!

    Dofey Dot _ YAY! Glad you are back in action! Bin missin you an Stella so much! And Mema is da master beanglisher, we need a new name cuz it way beyond and totally kewl! What can we call it? And do you really tink we can hab anuder Hoth party tomorrow?? That would be so great, I hab to dwive into twon so I can get some parts for da UFO dat bwoke when it cwashed, but Jock said it's not a repair dat can't be bixed with a big enuf bottle o whisky.

    We are missing some of the other girls, where Scuby? where Unde? where tiedye? where are da other goilies?

    Okay, so me off to beddy agin...tanks fo bein here an sharin all dis great likker and all dese pills! Woooo Hooo I tink we all feel bettah and will hab a good sweep. See ya'lls in da am. Love & hugs and keep dem tips up!

    Nite Dolls!!!

  • juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    dear beans it will be high 80's in orlando today, so will need to come to hoth to cool off! for all those gardening today ,envy you, live in an apt so no real growing . dork welcome back. looking forward to my trip to oz for chrissy b, just have to have the 6 month mammogram first on thurs hoping this time i can escape with see you in 6months and not have to have a little chat with the radiologist.have a great day

  • nativemainer Member Posts: 7,800

    March 2012 edited March 2012

    Good morning, Loungettes! Gonna be a chillier day today, but back to more normal temperatures. I was getting to like the 80's we were having! Ah well, such is spring in Maine.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (48)
    Mema--sounds like both those brother docs need to be kicked to the curb and replaced. Good idea to interview a few docs and find one that works with you and for you, like they're supposed to! If I go visit Beanie in the mountains do you think she'd teach me how to ski? I've always wanted to try that.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (49)

    Juliet--serendipity! Great having just what you need across the street from the hotel!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (50)

    Dorkable--Hooray for internet fixes, boo for HAVING to pay more to get it reliably. Don't like the way those companies sneak in those extra 'services' and charges. Your prayers to the gardening gods worked, the tiller started up last evening and I got about 1/4 of the garden tilled. Aiming to do some more today. And take your time with the doc bashing, more entries over time have a bigger impact on the doc scores. Did I mention that I called the hospital yesterday? I was supposed to hear back by the 15th, no call. Talked to the patient rep, she's been out for a couple of days, and the Medical Director who reviews doc complaints has been out due to a family emergency, so "the process has been started" but hasn't gone anywhere. Big surprise. NM is NOT happy, and getting unhappier by the day. Supposed to hear back by the middle of next week, the rep "hopes." Yeah, right, we'll see.

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (51)

    Beanie-- boy, the UFO is sure getting a workout lately! Maybe it's time to hire a UFO maintenance crew? They'd have to be good looking to watch while working, of course. There are a lot of docs that fall into the doooofaces category. Being book smart doesn't mean being able to interact with a human being in a respectful way!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (52)

    Juliet--here's praying there's no chat with radiologist on Thursday!

    how about drinking? - Page 748 (53)

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the UFO
    1 oz Cognac
    1 oz Scotch Whisky
    1 tsp Raki Liqueur
    3 oz Mandarin Juice
    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    Pour into a pina colada glass filled with broken ice. Add a sprig of mint, straws, and serve



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how about drinking? - Page 748 (2024)


What is the quote one drink is too many and 100 is not enough? ›

Down on his luck and at the end of his rope, he pounds on the bar and begs the bartender for a drink. Just one. “One drink's too many and a hundred's not enough” is the bartender's pitying reply.

How many drinks is enough? ›

A note on drinking level terms used in this Core article: The 2020-2025 U.S. Dietary Guidelines states that for adults who choose to drink alcohol, women should have 1 drink or less in a day and men should have 2 drinks or less in a day. These amounts are not intended as an average but rather a daily limit.

How many standards drink get you drunk? ›

The general rule of thumb is that 2 standard drinks in the first hour will raise your BAC to 0.05%, and 1 standard per hour thereafter will maintain that level. To do a quick calculation of whether you are over 0.05% BAC, simply take the number of hours since your first drink and add 1 to it.

How many drinks must she have in one night for it to be considered binge drinking? ›

NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent - or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter - or higher. For a typical adult, this pattern corresponds to consuming 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.

How many people don't drink enough? ›

Dehydration in Adults

In fact, multiple studies report that 75% of adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic dehydration, drinking only 2.5 cups a day on average.

Who said sometimes too much drink is barely enough? ›

Quote by Mark Twain: “Sometimes too much drink is barely enough.”

Is 2 beers a day bad? ›

Drinking one or two standard beers per day (12 ounces or 355 mL) may have positive effects for your heart, bones, blood sugars, and dementia risk. But too much drinking raises your risk of many health issues, including depression, weight gain, and liver disease.

Is 3 drinks a day too much? ›

For women, more than three drinks on any day or more than seven drinks a week is heavy drinking. For men, heavy drinking means more than four drinks on any day or more than 14 drinks a week.

What alcohol gets you drunk faster? ›

Hard liquors can get you drunk faster than beer or wine, as they have a higher alcohol content. Doing shots can be particularly useful, as you'll be absorbing high alcohol products very fast. Vodka in particular has been shown to increase the speed of intoxication.

Is drinking once a week bad? ›

While the occasional drink may not be cause for concern, indulging in binge drinking once a week can have severe consequences for both physical and mental health.

Can 4 beers get you drunk? ›

Based on these numbers, a person who weighs 140 – 180 lbs. is legally intoxicated after consuming three beers. A person who weighs 220 lbs., however, is legally intoxicated after consuming four beers. But keep in mind that the above chart provides only approximate values.

How many years of drinking is bad? ›

No "safe" drinking level

It's called "low risk" rather than "safe" because there's no safe drinking level. The type of illnesses you can develop after 10 to 20 years of regularly drinking more than 14 units a week include: mouth cancer, throat cancer and breast cancer.

How many drinks per week cause liver damage? ›

For men, consuming 5 or more drinks on any day or 15 or more drinks per week. For women, consuming 4 or more drinks on any day or 8 or more drinks per week.

What is a heavy drinker called? ›

binge drinker heavy drinker maintenance drinker problem drinker. Weak matches. alky dipsomaniac drunkard inebriate lush rummy sot souse tippler wino. hard drinker (noun as in problem drinker)

What does Proverbs say about drinking too much? ›

Proverbs itself condemns drunkenness: Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. Proverbs 23:20-21 Be not among winebibbers, or among gluttonous eaters of meat; for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags.

Who said too much of anything is bad but too much good whiskey is barely enough? ›

whiskey is barely enough.” – Mark Twain.

What is an idiom about drinking too much? ›

More examples of direct expressions include legless, plastered, hammered, wasted, wrecked, loaded, trashed and tanked up.

What was a famous quote from Alcoholics Anonymous? ›

Alcoholics Anonymous Quotes

The greatest enemies of us alcoholics are resentment, jealousy, envy, frustration, and fear.” “As we go through the day we pause, when agitated or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action.” “This answer has to do with the quality of faith rather than its quantity.”


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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